The blog is dedicated to all those people who are willing to read with an open mind and carefully consider all the various nuanced aspects of the issues at hand. All those who identify themselves with the doubting Thomas may find in the pages of this blog the answers to the questions with which they are struggling. Many of the essays are written especially with you in mind. There is, however, one challenge: in our fast-moving world, one would have to make time to read the essays. And that may require some real effort and commitment - but is there anything of real value in life that is obtained without some effort?
The Thinker - Thomas Eakins |
When we really listen to each other, we may find true answers in real conversation. At the same time, the essays provide tools, knowledge, and information to engage with others in everyday conversations about their faith. Take time and work through the topics which interest you and you may find the journey truly rewarding.
To facilitate the reader's access to these essays, the most important ones (all with links to the essays) are listed below according to the topic they belong to. Essays that are "highly recommended" are marked with an asterisk. Readers are welcome to use the information, share or forward the essays and make use of them as they see fit [2].
New Book Releases:
Willem McLoud
Willem McLoud
1. Kant, Noumena and Quantum Physics
Kant, Noumena and Quantum Physics
Published in Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy 3 (2018) (94 pages)
Published in Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy 3 (2018) (94 pages)
2. Science, Philosophy, and God
Part 4. Science and the spiritual realm
Part 5. In defence of the soul
Part 6: Science and Atheism (*)
Part 7: Science and spiritual intuition
Part 8: The Christian and Evolution (*)
A critique of archaeology as a science
An archaeological perspective on the Bible
A critique of Biblical Criticism as a scholarly discipline (*)
A hermeneutical perspective on the Bible
Is the spirit world more than an idea?
3. Can we still believe the Bible? (*)
Part 1. Can we still believe the Bible? A hermeneutical perspective (*)
Part 2. Can we still believe the Bible? An archaeological perspective (*)
Part 3. Can we still believe the Bible? A scientific perspective (*)
Part 4. Can we still believe the Bible? A prophetic perspective (*)
Part 5. Can we still believe the Bible? An ancient world perspective (*)
(The Sumerian Hypothesis: Abraham holds the key)
4. A New Ancient Near Eastern Chronology
Part 6: Science and Atheism (*)
Part 7: Science and spiritual intuition
Part 8: The Christian and Evolution (*)
A critique of archaeology as a science
An archaeological perspective on the Bible
A critique of Biblical Criticism as a scholarly discipline (*)
A hermeneutical perspective on the Bible
Is the spirit world more than an idea?
3. Can we still believe the Bible? (*)
Part 1. Can we still believe the Bible? A hermeneutical perspective (*)
Part 2. Can we still believe the Bible? An archaeological perspective (*)
Part 3. Can we still believe the Bible? A scientific perspective (*)
Part 4. Can we still believe the Bible? A prophetic perspective (*)
Part 5. Can we still believe the Bible? An ancient world perspective (*)
(The Sumerian Hypothesis: Abraham holds the key)
4. A New Ancient Near Eastern Chronology
Published the the Journal for Semitics 28/2 (2019)
Published in the Journal for Semitics 29/1 (2020)
5. The Sumerian Hypothesis
Published in the Journal for Semitics 29/2 (2020)
6. Origins in the Book of Genesis
Intro: The Book of Genesis
Part 2: Adam and Eve: Were they the first humans? (*)
Part 3: The Garden of Eden: Was it a real place?
Part 3: The Garden of Eden: Was it a real place?
Part 4: The Serpent of Paradise
Part 5: Reconsidering the Fall
Part 6: The ancient worldview: the origins of Satan
Part 7: Who is Elohim? (*)
Part 8: The "ancient history" of Genesis 4-11: Myth or history?
Part 9: The Great Flood: Did it really happen?
Part 10: Abraham holds the key (*)
Part 7: Who is Elohim? (*)
Part 8: The "ancient history" of Genesis 4-11: Myth or history?
Part 9: The Great Flood: Did it really happen?
Part 10: Abraham holds the key (*)
An introduction to ancient Sumerian religious literature (Johan Coetser)
7. Eschatology
8. Afrikaanse essays
Die probleem met Goddelike wreedheid in die Ou Testament
Kan ons nog in die hemel glo?
Die limiete van argeologie en teksstudies: die uittog
Om te glo of nie te glo nie
Wetenskap en geloof
Die Christen en die Markplein
Die probleem met Goddelike wreedheid in die Ou Testament
Kan ons nog in die hemel glo?
Die limiete van argeologie en teksstudies: die uittog
Om te glo of nie te glo nie
Wetenskap en geloof
Die Christen en die Markplein
Paradigmas in konflik: Bybelwetenskap vs tradisionalisme
Die kerk is by 'n kruispad: 'n ope brief aan die kerk
Middelgrond in die geloof
Wat moet Christene in 'n tyd soos hierdie doen?
Hoe moet Christene die huidige paradigma-verskuiwing in die samelewing benader?
Die tien horings van Daniel 7 - waarna verwys dit?
Die Nuwe Toring van Babel
Die kerk is by 'n kruispad: 'n ope brief aan die kerk
Middelgrond in die geloof
Wat moet Christene in 'n tyd soos hierdie doen?
Hoe moet Christene die huidige paradigma-verskuiwing in die samelewing benader?
Die tien horings van Daniel 7 - waarna verwys dit?
Die Nuwe Toring van Babel
9. Spiritual/geestelik
Meeting God
The Power of God
Wrong choices
Something or Someone is missing? (Dr. Francois Carr)
Revival is of the Lord (Arjan Baan)
A message for the church
God hoor
Die profeet
Om God te glo
10. Dialogistics/Apologetics
Towards a new dialogistic approach
Science and Atheism
Engaging with atheists and agnostics
Biblical inspiration: in a postmodern world
Faith and reason: finding the balance
The importance of the Septuagint in Biblical studies
On Christian morality
Nietzsche and the use and abuse of Darwin for life (Dr Louise Mabille)
Darwin's Doubt (book review)
The God Impulse (book review)
11. Current events
Brexit: What to expect
A New Iranian Empire is rising
The European Union: forever rising
The pursuit of geopolitical power in an emerging multi-polar world
Predicting a war against Iran? - an inquiry into war and peace cycles
Is a Third World War brewing?
(New videos are uploaded here. Subscribe to be informed about new releases.)
[1] Books by Dr. Willie Mc Loud (PhD in Physics, MA in Philosophy, MBL):
Akteurs in die Laaste Drama, 'n studie van Openbaring 13 en 17 (1989)
Alles omtrent die "New Age" (1990)
Op pad na Armageddon, 31 bepeinsings oor Openbaring en ander Bybelprofesieë (1995)
Alles omtrent die opkomende Antichristelike orde (2000)
Die Arabiese Opstande (Griffel Media, 2011)
Op soek na Abraham en sy God (Griffel Media, 2012)
[2] Due recognition is required according to accepted copyright practice. Since all the essays include a reference to the author, they may be freely shared, distributed and circulated.
[1] Books by Dr. Willie Mc Loud (PhD in Physics, MA in Philosophy, MBL):
Akteurs in die Laaste Drama, 'n studie van Openbaring 13 en 17 (1989)
Alles omtrent die "New Age" (1990)
Op pad na Armageddon, 31 bepeinsings oor Openbaring en ander Bybelprofesieë (1995)
Alles omtrent die opkomende Antichristelike orde (2000)
Die Arabiese Opstande (Griffel Media, 2011)
Op soek na Abraham en sy God (Griffel Media, 2012)
[2] Due recognition is required according to accepted copyright practice. Since all the essays include a reference to the author, they may be freely shared, distributed and circulated.
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